Agate from Anzi, Maroc
Two-phase inclusions in sapphire, Sri Lanka
Two-phase inclusion in amethyst, Brazil
Midge included in amber from the Baltic coast, polarised light
Stress fissure («sun spangle») in baltic amber
Inclusions of rock crystal and rutile needles in quartz, Brazil, polarised light
Dendrites in agate
Bubbles and swirls in moldavite (natural glass)


Save the date: SGG/SSG Central Conference 2025:

15.06. - 17.06.2025

Seehotel Wilerbad, Wilen am Sarnersee

The registration form and programme will be published here in spring 2025 and sent to members by e-mail.

Seehotel Wilerbad, Wilen am Sarnersee