Colour zoning in ruby from Mong-Shu, Burma
Two-Phase inclusions and rutile needles in rock crystal from Brazil
Twin-crystal of chrysoberyl
Inclusions of chrysotile fibres in demantoide garnet from Ural Mountains, Russia
Inclusions of rock crystal and rutile needles in quartz, Brazil, polarised light
Inclusions of hematite in feldspar (sunstone), India
Inclusions of fossil plant debris in opal from Wollo, Ethiopia
Inclusions of hematite in aquamarine, Tanzania


Save the date: SGG/SSG Central Conference 2025:

15.06. - 17.06.2025

Seehotel Wilerbad, Wilen am Sarnersee

The registration form and programme will be published here in spring 2025 and sent to members by e-mail.

Seehotel Wilerbad, Wilen am Sarnersee