Fluid inclusions in quartz with bituminous daughter minerals, China
Fluid inclusions in quartz with bituminous daughter minerals, China
Inclusions of hematite in feldspar (sunstone), India
Inclusions of hematite in feldspar (sunstone), India
Inclusions of rutile (dark crystal and fine needles) and clusters of zircon grains in umbalite garnet, Tanzania
Inclusions of rutile (dark crystal and fine needles) and clusters of zircon grains in umbalite garnet, Tanzania
Twin-crystal of chrysoberyl
Twin-crystal of chrysoberyl
Partially etched diamond crystal
Partially etched diamond crystal
Two-phase inclusion in amethyst, Brazil
Two-phase inclusion in amethyst, Brazil
Inclusions of fossil plant debris in opal from Wollo, Ethiopia
Inclusions of fossil plant debris in opal from Wollo, Ethiopia
Epigenetic inclusion (probanly melanterite) in quartz, Brazil, crossed polarisers
Epigenetic inclusion (probanly melanterite) in quartz, Brazil, crossed polarisers
Bubbles and swirls in moldavite (natural glass)
Bubbles and swirls in moldavite (natural glass)
Midge included in amber from the Baltic coast, polarised light
Midge included in amber from the Baltic coast, polarised light