Natural etching structure on a crystal face of diamond (trigons), polarised light
Natural etching structure on a crystal face of diamond (trigons), polarised light
Agate from Anzi, Maroc
Agate from Anzi, Maroc
Two-Phase inclusions and rutile needles in rock crystal from Brazil
Two-Phase inclusions and rutile needles in rock crystal from Brazil
Stress fissure («sun spangle») in baltic amber
Stress fissure («sun spangle») in baltic amber
Inclusion of apatite in ruby from Tanzania
Inclusion of apatite in ruby from Tanzania
Inclusions of rutile (dark crystal and fine needles) and clusters of zircon grains in umbalite garnet, Tanzania
Inclusions of rutile (dark crystal and fine needles) and clusters of zircon grains in umbalite garnet, Tanzania
Agate from Reichweiler, Germany
Agate from Reichweiler, Germany
Two-phase inclusions in sapphire, Sri Lanka
Two-phase inclusions in sapphire, Sri Lanka
Midge included in amber from the Baltic coast, polarised light
Midge included in amber from the Baltic coast, polarised light
«Red fox agate» from Patagonia, Argentina
«Red fox agate» from Patagonia, Argentina

Farewell to Prof. Dr. Henry A. Hänni 1945 - 2025

Mit grosser Trauer geben wir den Verlust unseres Ehrenmitglieds Prof. Dr. Henry A. Hänni bekannt.

Er war einer der bedeutendsten Gemmologen unserer Zeit und hat die Gemmologie nachhaltig geprägt. Sein Vermächtnis wird weiterleben.

Prof. Dr. Henry Hänni verliess uns an seinem 80. Geburtstag, dem 9. Januar 2025. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie und seinen Angehörigen.